Experience the freedom of managing your trucking operations with our all-in-one fleet portal.

Sign up at pcg.factorgenie.com with the
Phone # and Email Address on file
with your Phoenix Capital Group account.

Click the Submit Invoices button on the home screen and follow the step-by-step instructions.

1. Select two or more drafts (un-submitted loads) you want to submit as a batch request.
2. Click Add to Batch button
3. Click "Ok" to continue or click "Keep Adding Invoices" to select more drafts to add to the batch.
4. In the batch screen you can select one or more requests to either "Remove from Batch" or "Send Batch to Phoenix Capital Group" to submit batch requests.
19. Tap Send to Phoenix Capital Group to submit your request..

1. Tap your profile icon in the upper right corner of the homepage.
2. Tap “Team” from the menu.
3. Invite team members by email or phone number.

4. Select their role to control their level of access.
Owner - Full access.
Backoffice - Cannot manage team members or reports.
Driver - Can only view documents they scan and upload, fuel map, and their own fuel card transactions.
5.Tap Invite.
19. Tap Send to Phoenix Capital Group to submit your request..
If you are working with multiple fleets that use Phoenix Capital Group, such as a third-party dispatcher, you can switch between those accounts within the fleet portal.
1. Have an account owner of the fleet you want to manage invite you as a Backoffice user.
2. Click your Profile in the upper right corner to see the fleets that you are working with.
3.Click on any fleet name to switch accounts.